European scientific research – closer to the Republic of Moldova
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"We want, with the support of European development partners, to benefit from more funding and sustainable international projects to develop and motivate our scientists. Investing in research means investing in the future, that's why we want the funding of research and innovation to be included in the investment category rather than in the budget expenditures". The statement belongs to the Rector of Nicolae Testemitanu State University of Medicine and Pharmacy professor Emil Ceban, President of the Rectors’ Council of the Republic of Moldova, and was made during a meeting with representatives of the Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission, the National Agency for Research and Development (NARD), the State University of Moldova, the Technical University of Moldova and the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova.
The rector expressed the aspirations of the scientific and academic community of Moldova, including Nicolae Testemitanu University, to be an integral part of European research, as well as the openness for fruitful collaboration with European partners.
According to Anne Haglund-Morrissey, Deputy Head of the Horizon Europe EU Research & Innovation Framework Programme Association Unit, the European Union wants the Republic of Moldova to be closer on all dimensions, including that of research. The expert emphasized the successful path of our country under the EU research and innovation framework programs in the previous years and highly appreciated the quick signing of the association agreement with Horizon Europe. The representative of the European Commission reiterated the full support of the Directorate for the integration of researchers from the Republic of Moldova in all actions of the program and the openness to organize information events, trainings, internships to support and increase the participation rate.
University professor Olga Tagadiuc, General Director of NARD, mentioned that the support of European experts granted in the process of Moldova’s association with the EU Horizon Europe Program offered many opportunities for our researchers. "Moldova is a small country with an equally small community, but very motivated to do quality research at national and international level. The results of the participation of local researchers in international scientific projects demonstrated the ability to carry out competitive research in various fields. The experience gained under the previous framework programs constitutes a solid foundation for participation with confidence in the current program as well. In this desire, we are substantially supported by the European partners, for which we express our gratitude. At the same time, we would like to emphasize the need for both logistical and financial support in the field of research and innovation, taking into account the major problems facing our country as a result of the war in Ukraine and the pandemic and energy crisis. In this regard, an important solution would be the initiation of actions dedicated to Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova under the framework program", stated Olga Tagadiuc.
“Nicolae Testemitanu University has extensive experience in the field of research, currently around thirty international projects are being implemented. One of the major projects supported by the World Bank is the foundation of a research center in the field of personalized medicine, which, of course, should be modern, useful for the health system and capable of attracting scientific potential. We must have infectious disease diagnostic laboratories of highest quality. We want an effective collaboration with the institution represented by you and we aspire to European security in the Republic of Moldova", noted academician Stanislav Groppa, Vice-Rector for Research Activity. Professor Groppa listed the aspects that require improvement at the level of state institutions, in particular in the education area, emphasizing that, in order to achieve these goals, the involvement of all players is needed, but also a deeper awareness of the problems faced by the system.
Ludmila Nistor-Mihailova, policy officer, EU Framework Programme Association Unit, and Giuseppe Paglione, programme officer for Education and Culture at the Delegation of the European Union to the Republic of Moldova, expressed their openness for a constructive dialogue on the addressing and removal of impediments, declaring that new bridges of collaboration in the field of research and innovation would be created.
In the opinion of Igor Sharov, Rector of the State University of Moldova, the field of research requires increased attention in the Republic of Moldova, and without allocated financial resources, there will be no results. Science is a competition that needs considerable financial resources, and the most generous offer comes from the European Union. ”It is known that investments in science do not produce immediate visible results, but in the medium and long term, they ensure the development of human capacities, research infrastructure and subsequently deliver solutions for the country's economic and social problems,” stressed Igor Sharov.
For their part, Daniela Pojar, Vice-Rector of the Technical University of Moldova, and Victoria Cociug, Vice-Rector of the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, emphasized the importance of the participation of local scientists in international research activities in order to solve emerging common problems at the European and global level.
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